At Tuesday night’s P&C meeting, I raised the questions to Mr McKinnon on the issue regarding our school hall
1. Confirmation of when construction works will recommence
2. An estimated completion date
3. Commitment to regular progress updates
Mr McKinnon informed the P&C that he was awaiting a response from the department.
Following this on Tuesday evening, the P&C discussed our steps moving forward to ensure our hall is of high importance and will be completed in a timely manner. In my capacity as president, I have written to School Infrastructure NSW for an urgent update as well as State Memebr Anthony Roberts and the Department of Education. You can see my letter attached and the response from School Infrastructure NSW. The P&C is dedicated to ensuring the school hall is completed in a timely manner for our school community. Waiting over four years for our hall to rebuilt is not acceptable.
School Hall Letter
School Infrastructure NSW Response
Caleb Taylor