Renee Maxwell
Honey Quibulue
The P&C produces a directory of parents’ contact details to help parents get in touch with other parents and school services.
We also email out information about P&C events happening in the school. The class parents and grade coordinators keep their class informed of events going on in the classroom and year level.
In accordance with privacy constraints the school is unable to share your contact details with the P&C. In order to enable communications with the P&C you need to provide your details to us directly.
If you would like to be added to, or update your details for your class list or to the directory please send an email to
If you would like to make a donation to the P&C please either place it in the P&C lock box in the school administration building or deposit it directly into our account. Please email details of your remittance to the Treasurer at
Lane Cove Public School P&C Association
Westpac Bank
BSB: 032 085
Account: 379713
The LCPS school community is a very active and welcoming one. There are many opportunities to be involved in social activities, fundraising, and volunteering.