
LCPS has had a long tradition of a P&C operated canteen offering affordable food options five days a week to students and staff. Our new state of the art canteen down in canteen cove/astro turf offers students over-the-counter service for recess and lunch, as well as online lunch MunchMonitor orders that are delivered to student’s classrooms.

The canteen is run by our manager Karen and two casual staff along with many amazing volunteers, having regular volunteers allows the canteen to keep prices low and affordable for families at LCPS.

To order on munch monitor Munch Monitor orders close 8:30 am daily 

Lunch orders Online MunchMonitor lunch orders close at 8:30am on the day of the order.

To create a MunchMonitor account: 

  1. Go to
  2. Username: lcps
  3. Password: munch2066
  4. Click Sign Up to create your own account

We recommend using MunchMonitor because you can:

  • Place lunch orders online 24/7 and up to 4 weeks in advance (except for the weekly specials)
  • List any allergies to alert Canteen staff
  • Obtain reports on your child’s Canteen spending
  • Use your Visa or Mastercard to top up the account
  • Get a cashless snack card for your child’s over the counter purchases. This allows you to set daily spend limits and ban nominated foods from being purchased over the counter.

To get a cashless snack card:

  1. Login to MunchMonitor
  2. Select student profile (through My Account)
  3. Select the child on the left panel
  4. Click Yes to Allow Snack Money
  5. Select daily or weekly allowance
  6. Insert spend limit
  7. Click Save My Profile
  8. Collect your child’s MunchMonitor key tag from the Canteen before 9am.
You can also add your child’s photo to their Student Profile which helps Canteen volunteers match the key tag to the right owner.

Late lunch order: if you miss the 8:30am lunch order deadline please call the Canteen on 9427 1024.

Lost or forgotten lunches: the Canteen will provide a sandwich and piece of fruit if a student has forgotten or lost their lunch and comes to the Canteen with a note from their teacher authorising the Canteen to provide a replacement lunch. All replacement lunches must be paid for. The Canteen will either debit the student’s MunchMonitor account or send a note home stating the lunch provided and the amount owed to the Canteen.

Aims of the Canteen

LCPS Canteen aims to:

  • Provide a balanced and nutritious food service to students and staff at a reasonable cost;
  • Maintain standards of health care in preparation, supply and service of food at the Canteen
  • Provide a service to the school community
  • Support the school in its health education program
  • Support the P&C by passing on any surplus revenue to the P&C general funds

LCPS Canteen fully supports the NSW Government’s Fresh Tastes @ School programme which ensures all government schools offer a healthy canteen service.
In the Fresh Tastes @ School program all foods are given a rating based on the levels of salt, saturated fats and sugar they contain. 

These foods are then classified as follows:


Green = eat regularly as these are the healthiest foods (low in fat, sugar and salt)
Amber = eat sometimes
Red = eat rarely as they are too high in sugar, fats and/or salt

All foods prepared and sold at LCPS Canteen are checked to ensure that they fall into the Green or Amber categories.

While we take the best of care to support the school’s nut-free policy, some of the pre-packaged products for sale at the Canteen may contain traces of nuts.
For health reasons, food prepared at home cannot be reheated at the Canteen.

Canteen Contacts

Shop Manager

Karen Solway
9427 1024


Honey Quibulue

Canteen Committee

The Canteen Liaison works with the canteen staff who meet regularly to discuss menu changes, term specials and Canteen policies. 

Canteen Liaison (acting):
Caleb Taylor/Chloe Blanch